My name is Thomer [LinkedIn]. I help startups and their (technical) founders.
I dropped out of the MIT computer science Ph.D. program in 2006, was a founding team member and back-end team lead of Meraki (which was acquired by Cisco in 2012 as a unicorn). I was CTO at Philo for 6 years before founding Provable Labs in Amsterdam and co-founding Provable Markets in New York. I raised three rounds of funding for Provable and have been helping startups on and off since 2012 and more regularly since 2023.
I hold multiple patents, I am a certified FINRA General Securities Representative and General Securities Principal. I am trilingual.
Having been a software engineer, an engineering manager, a CTO, a Founder/CEO, and board member, I understand how to overcome technical, management, and founder challenges in startups.
I got some things right through hard work. I got lucky many times. I made a lot of mistakes.
I look forward to working with you. Please be in touch ([encrypted email]).
(My preferred geographic focus is the Greater Boston area and The Netherlands. Remote assistance is possible.)