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Day 1: Rain. Day 2: Meieringen - Sustenpass - Andermatt

Reflection before the ordeal starts

Day 1: leaving from Zürich
Still optimistic, still dry

Day 1: rain
This day turned out to be the wettest day in Switzerland's recent history. Lucky me.

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass
This photo is my personal favorite

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass

Day 2: Sustenpass
This photo was made by an Indian guy who refused to believe I rode up the mountain. After this, it went downhill at 70 km/h.

Continue with Day 3: Andermatt - Oberalppass - Laax.

Copyright © 1994-2022 by Thomer M. Gil
Updated: 2004/09/06