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Photo gallery #1

February 22, 2000

Hi all,

I know it has been an excruciating experience having to wait for the photos, but now I proudly present the first batch of pictures. I know it's not much. My photography skills are still underdeveloped.


The house from outside
We live on the 1st floor, i.e. the floor on the same level as the front door. If you have really good eyes you can see my name on the left postbox. Yes, that's right; it's the third name in the list.

A view up the street
My house is on the right, but you can't see it.

A view down the street
My house is on the left, but you can't see it.

Inside the house - dining and kitchen
This is a view from the living through the dining room. In the back you see the entrance to the kitchen and on the left the piano. The thing under the towel is our gateway.

Inside the house - living
This is a view of the living room. In the back you can see Dan sitting on a chair.

CG and CR are on the next film.

Me in my bike outfit
Since this picture was taken I've had a haircut and a facelift.

View from office window
This is what I'm looking at all day.

Copyright © 1994-2022 by Thomer M. Gil
Updated: 2004/09/06